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The biggest public relations event in the industry: Jade riding bell! The world's first electric vehicle brand to successfully challenge the whole landscape of Kunlun mountain!

Time:3年前 732


The challenge of Kunlun mountain all terrain cycling, the industry's largest public relations event for 10 days, has finally come to an end. Relying on the excellent performance of Eagle 20s and the superior driving technology of knights, yuqiling has completed all the challenges without danger, and has become the world's first electric vehicle brand to complete the all terrain cycling of Kunlun mountain!


The ending battle is a special inventory. Jade riding bell conquers the ancestor of Wanshan mountain - the highlight moment of Kunlun mountain!

1. The chariot Eagle 20s first appeared in Golmud, a snow covered glacier


Yuqiling chose the Golmud River, which is very cold and known as the snow glacier, as the first stop to start Kunlun cycling.


In the face of the complex geology of the Golmud River mixed with stone and sand, the Knights driving the chariot eagle for 20s are completely unafraid, face the difficulties, complete the 20 km wading challenge, reflect the excellent waterproof performance of the chariot incisively and vividly, and usher in a good start!

2. Zhanchaerhan wanzhang salt bridge! The eagle 20s shows its power again!


After crossing the Golmud River, the Knights came to the Chaerhan wanzhang salt bridge, known as the world's first salt bridge. The surface of the salt bridge is attached with a variety of minerals. The road is rugged and the surface is smooth, which is a great test for riders and chariots.


At first, everyone, including the riders, thought that the best way to slow down and cross the wanzhang salt bridge was to slow down. However, the eagle 20s showed everyone its uniqueness. With the super grip of the tires and the sensitive braking system of the chariot, the test of the salt bridge was in vain, which exceeded everyone's expectation!

3. The eagle 20s rides around the Chaerhan Salt Lake


It seems that in order to reward Eagle 20s for completing the challenge of wanzhang salt bridge, the jade riding bell team came to Chaerhan Salt Lake, which is known as the land of the sky, and started a hundred mile ride around the lake.


This time, the test is the eagle's super long endurance ability of 20s!


The chariot has lived up to expectations and completed the challenge of cycling around the lake with its super endurance supply. At night, the jade riding bell team who completed today's challenge is ready for the upcoming devil test. Beside the quiet lake shore, the chariot Eagle 20s can be patted by the wind and sand. Only an excellent chariot like eagle 20s can match the beauty of the sky!

4. Fierce battle in the world's first plateau desert, Eagle 20s fire, three battles and three victories!

After saying goodbye to the Chaerhan Salt Lake, the eagle 20s ushered in the first "main course" of the Kunlun trip, which came from the devil test of the Qaidam desert, the world's first plateau desert

1. Winding Red River Valley


Riding in the desert is an all-round test of the overall performance of the car. It has extremely stringent requirements in terms of power, control, tires, braking and so on. In the face of the Red River Valley, which has been sandstormed for many years, the chariot is likely to fall into it accidentally and the challenge fails. It can be said that the difficulty of conquering the Qaidam desert is several times greater than the previous challenge!


However, experienced riders have fully understood the performance of Eagle 20s after the first few rounds of challenges. Knights have full trust in the chariot Eagle 20s. Maybe the challenge will be very difficult, but Eagle 20s will never disappoint them!


In the process of conquering the Red River Valley, Eagle 20s burst out the ultimate power and control performance again and again. With the comprehensive blessing of the chariot, the Knights finally lived up to expectations and successfully completed the challenge!

2. 116 km desert attack


The next day, the knights who completed the challenge of the Red River Valley started the desert attack without stopping. The roar of the chariot echoed in the vast desert until nightfall. The harsh desert environment made the experienced jade riding bell Knights exhausted and paralyzed, but the chariot was not affected at all and was still intact.


According to statistics, the riding mileage in the desert on that day was as high as 116 kilometers. Eagle 20s once again conquered the Qaidam desert with strength and crossed the limit of electric vehicle safety quality!

3. Yadan wonderful scenery hides surging waves


On the third day of conquering the Qaidam desert, the knight and chariot riding the jade bell met Yadan landform, the most famous wind erosion landform on the earth. In the face of wanton wind and flying sand, the knight and Eagle 20s showed a fearless attitude and galloped through the wilderness. Despite the sudden cross wind, the Eagle 20s's super control system minimized external interference, Help riders successfully complete the last battle to conquer the world's first plateau desert!

5. A million holy talismans pray for peace, and the chariot drives to the Queen Mother's hall!


After three days of fierce fighting, yuqiling successfully conquered the Qaidam desert and became the world's first electric vehicle brand to conquer the Qaidam desert.


After that, the jade riding bell Knights came to the famous Queen Mother's palace in Wuji dragon and Phoenix Palace in Kunlun Mountain and held a blessing ceremony on the holy mountain to seek peace and happiness for all the jade riding bell families.

6. Jade Everest towering into the clouds, Eagle 20s bravely climb the peak!


On the eighth day, the chariot Eagle 20s and the knight came to the foot of jade Everest and looked up at the towering top of jade Everest, with an altitude of 6178 meters!


Starting from the observation platform, the Knights overcame all kinds of difficulties and obstacles on the way to climb. It took 3 hours to climb 1100 meters successfully. They came to the starting point of the rapid descent of the snow mountain, camped, inspected the actual situation of jade Everest, and planned the safest route! Prepare for downhill!

7. World War I! 5300 meters snow mountain downhill! The chariot ushered in the ultimate test!


The next day, the Knights got ready at the planned starting point and officially began the downhill challenge!

However, the terrain of jade Everest is really dangerous. Although it is the safest route, it is still frozen soil along the way, and the maximum slope is as high as 37 degrees! The speed drop is 5km and the drop is up to 1100 meters!


This is the most difficult and dangerous battle of yuqiling Kunlun! Extreme weather, steep slopes, frozen soil and gravel are all tests of human life, and the only thing knights can rely on is the safety performance of Eagle 20s!


Everyone held their breath. Although the weather was cold, the knights were all sweating. Under the attention of everyone, the downhill began. The Knights drove the chariot Eagle 20s all the way, but there was no mistake! Finally complete the most difficult test of Kunlun cycling!

8. The eagle 20s pushed Kunlun across mountains and mountains, and won the first prize!


After twists and turns, but there was no danger. The jade riding bell Knight drove his chariot to push all the dangers of the Kunlun Road, and finally came to the Kunlun mountain pass at an altitude of 4768 meters, which also represents the official end of the jade riding Bell's conquest of Kunlun and became the world's first electric motor car brand to complete the whole landscape of Kunlun!



In fact, this trip to Kunlun is not only a personal show of Eagle 20s, but also the best witness of yuqiling's strong quality. Yuqiling makes everyone realize what is safe and what is safer with action! We have reason to believe that with such strong facts, yuqiling will burst out stronger development force than before, win the recognition of the market, dealers and consumers and win in an all-round way in the future!
